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Certified Testing - Lead Paint Testing: Water - Paint - Soil

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We Provide MOLD Inspections and Certified Mold Testing Services

- We Service Boston Metro, MA and surrounding cities-

Boston 617-657-1375

Certified Testing -  Lead Paint 

Why Call Us for Certified Testing?


Certified  Testing Services

Certified To Work With All Insurances

Boston 617-657-1375

617-657-1375: Boston Metro, MA

Certified Lead Testing - Why test for Lead?

Lead may be found in paint, dust or soil and is a serious problem because it can enter the body through ingestion or inhalation. To avoid the health risks associated with lead poisoning, it’s important to have your City home or business tested by a licensed, professional lead testing company to determine if you have any exposure. Depending on the level of exposure, lead can cause damage to the nervous system including, headaches, high blood pressure, digestive problems or muscle and joint disorders.

The two methods of lead testing are:

Paint inspection — Determines the lead content of painted surfaces in your home.

Risk assessment — Identifies sources of lead exposure including paint and lead dust, and specifies what actions are required.

Federal regulations require that property sellers provide lead disclosures to buyers who are purchasing a property built before 1978, however lead may be present in newer properties as well so testing is advised. One of the first things competed when moving into a new property is to start painting and remodeling which can cause lead based paint (LBP) chips or lead based paint dust that can be inhaled/ingested by occupants causing serious medical issues. 

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  1. 20+ year Experience
  2. Free Upgrade to Accredited Lab Testing
  3. Fully Insured & Licensed
  4. Talk With A Real Person
  5. Direct Insurance Billing Available


Certified Testing

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Certified Testing -  Asbestos 

Why Call Us for Certified Testing?

Certified Testing Services
Certified To Work With All Insurances

Boston 617-657-1375

617-657-1375: Boston Metro, MA

Certified Asbestos Testing 

Asbestos exists in six naturally occurring types. In ancient Greek, it means “inextinguishable.” Manufacturers and the U.S. military also marveled at its fire-resistant powers, but exposure to asbestos leads to many terminal diseases including mesothelioma.

Asbestos use dates to the ancient Greeks who were fascinated by the mineral’s resistance to fire.

Centuries later, manufacturers also were impressed by its powers and incorporated the mineral to strengthen and fireproof various products. The U.S. military mandated its use in every branch of service because of its effectiveness.

Seemingly, asbestos was a perfect ingredient to make things better. Unfortunately, it was highly toxic, too.

Why Choose Us?
  1. 20+ year Experience
  2. Free Upgrade to Accredited Lab Testing
  3. Fully Insured & Licensed
  4. Talk With A Real Person
  5. Direct Insurance Billing Available

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identifies six types of asbestos minerals: Chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite and actinolite. Although all commercial forms of asbestos are carcinogenic, there are differences in their chemical compositions.

Occupations in the construction industry were hit the hardest, according to NIOSH. Plumbers, pipefitters, steam fitters and electricians were the most vulnerable to asbestos-related diseases. The occurrence of these diseases in shipbuilding and the electrical power industries is also abnormally high. More than 80 percent of those stricken with asbestos-related conditions are men.

Boston 617-657-1375

Boston Metro, MA


Certified Testing   - Allergens

Why Call Us for Certified Testing?


Certified  Testing Services

Certified To Work With All Insurances


617-657-1375: Boston Metro, MA

Certified Allergen Testing - In Your Home

Allergen and bacteria testing:

Dust collection for Cat, Dog, Cockroach, Dust Mites, Mouse and Rat allergens. – Sewage contamination testing and post clearance services. Fecal Coliform, E Coli P/A.

More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Some sufferers experience short-term seasonal allergies, while a growing number experience chronic, year-round allergic reactions. 

Americans spend up to 90% of their time indoors. 

Therefore, indoor allergens and irritants can play a significant role in triggering asthma attacks. It’s important to identify and recognize potential asthma triggers in the indoor environment and reduce your exposure to those triggers.

Why Choose Us?
  1. 20+ year Experience
  2. Free Upgrade to Accredited Lab Testing
  3. Fully Insured & Licensed
  4. Talk With A Real Person
  5. Direct Insurance Billing Available

We Provide MOLD Inspections and Certified Mold Testing Services

 - We Service Boston Metro, MA and surrounding cities-

Boston 617-657-1375
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